Behind the Boards

Youth hockey is a crazy sport. Much like youth baseball, youth soccer, Pop Warner football, well heck, any sport where kids are playing and parents are involved, a level of insanity ensues. (Note that I said where parents are involved - that’s a big key to the crazy!) The view from the front seat of your SUV while driving that future professional NHL/NFL/NBA/MLB/(insert sport here) to various tournaments, practices, private lessons, sports superstores where vast amounts of money will be spent on the latest and greatest equipment in order to give your sportster the leg up that he or she needs to make it to the top of the food chain in that particular pond - well that view isn’t always as rosy as you might think. Especially if those views include finding those bigger and better ponds, planning strategic attacks against foes to shake their confidence or make the coach question whether that kid is really worth that roster spot when your kid is sooooooo much better. I mean really, how could they pick that shulub over your dynamite player? I mean come on!

   Now once you got through that paragraph you probably came to two conclusions. One, the author is crazy - and I’ll be honest, the jury is still out on that one. Two, that that could NEVER happen to my kid because I’m a way smarter parent than that! I’m mean, jeez, are you people nuts or what! Or maybe, just maybe, you came up with a third conclusion... one that goes along the lines of; “oh thank God I’m not the only one that has to deal with all this batshit crazy in order for my kid to have a place to play!” Some of you are slowly nodding your heads with that sage ‘been there, done that, even bought the matching hat and t shirt’ look in your eyes. After a while the rookie parents will start to recognize those folks, but unfortunately that doesn’t usually happen until after a few battle scars are earned. But hey, this is youth hockey - it’s supposed to be FUN! Right?

Better buckle up for the ride... 


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